The days have flown as the writing flowed. Where I went is not where I thought I’d go, but I went there anyway. (That seems to be an apt metaphor for my life in general.) I have certainly experienced, sat with and acted on each of the situations I wrote about in this series. Some of them more than once, because habitual behavior dies hard. In last year’s series on the Power of Habit, I wrote an entire blog post on the idea of the spiral and how things come back around in our lives on different levels of intensity. I still believe that strongly, and now I can see how that spiral nature also applies to situations and memories I have previously processed.
When I meet a new Alexander student for the first time, I consciously work on softening my heart. I need to listen with full presence, to tune into what they are saying aloud and what their bodies are saying for them. It turned out that a large part of my work in this series was softening for myself, for my inner wounded child. Through my writing, I was able to soften and listen to what she had to say before sharing it with you. I think the series became better when I stopped worrying about my theme and just starting writing, letting the memories and emotions flow. My hope is that I’ll be able to take what I’ve learned back to my work, to my Alexander Technique students. To help them listen for their inner children and how they manifest in our bodies as well as our minds. Thank you for listening to both of us on this journey.