“I guess that’s why they call it the blues,
Time on my hands could be time spent with you…”
-Elton John
This song has always made me laugh, because in my normal life, having time on my hands with no plans would definitely NOT give me the blues. In fact, it would be heavenly. And yet, here I am today, plunged suddenly into a life with nothing but time on my hands. It’s quite a contrast, isn’t it?
My husband retired last June, and that is the only situation I can compare this feeling to – being almost rootless, weightless, floating in nothing but whatever I can create for myself to do. Or not. No schedule, no lunch dates, no errands to run, literally, nothing.
I suppose if I worked in an office that there would still be online business meetings, and phone calls, and to some extent business as-almost-usual. But as a self-employed teacher, nothing is going to happen if I don’t create it myself.
Just before the world stopped, I traveled out to a large music teacher’s conference in Portland Oregon. In a coffee line, I ran into someone I know from working together on the national board. Lucinda is a lovely person, and one who I don’t actually know very well, so I was quite pleasantly surprised when she told me that she’d read my entire “Processing” blog series and had really enjoyed it. She mentioned that it was a great escape from the world we’re living in, and how much she’d enjoyed the stories from my life I’d included each day.
I’ve been thinking a lot about that moment (processing, even) as I’ve put myself in self-imposed quarantine since coming back from the airport. (Quarantine is over on Sunday – not that there’s anywhere to go or anyone to see other than Dave.) As I’ve been outside gardening, I’ve been contemplating the idea of writing again, because perhaps some positive words would be welcomed out there right now. If you want to read my work, my promise to you is that it will be focused on different aspects of what we are all going through, but in a resolutely positive way. I’ll literally be Diving for Light in this dark time. Will it be easy? Not every day. But I will do my best to give us all a diversion from the fear and negativity that seem to be everywhere.
Come join me.
Time on my hands could be time spent with you…”
-Elton John
This song has always made me laugh, because in my normal life, having time on my hands with no plans would definitely NOT give me the blues. In fact, it would be heavenly. And yet, here I am today, plunged suddenly into a life with nothing but time on my hands. It’s quite a contrast, isn’t it?
My husband retired last June, and that is the only situation I can compare this feeling to – being almost rootless, weightless, floating in nothing but whatever I can create for myself to do. Or not. No schedule, no lunch dates, no errands to run, literally, nothing.
I suppose if I worked in an office that there would still be online business meetings, and phone calls, and to some extent business as-almost-usual. But as a self-employed teacher, nothing is going to happen if I don’t create it myself.
Just before the world stopped, I traveled out to a large music teacher’s conference in Portland Oregon. In a coffee line, I ran into someone I know from working together on the national board. Lucinda is a lovely person, and one who I don’t actually know very well, so I was quite pleasantly surprised when she told me that she’d read my entire “Processing” blog series and had really enjoyed it. She mentioned that it was a great escape from the world we’re living in, and how much she’d enjoyed the stories from my life I’d included each day.
I’ve been thinking a lot about that moment (processing, even) as I’ve put myself in self-imposed quarantine since coming back from the airport. (Quarantine is over on Sunday – not that there’s anywhere to go or anyone to see other than Dave.) As I’ve been outside gardening, I’ve been contemplating the idea of writing again, because perhaps some positive words would be welcomed out there right now. If you want to read my work, my promise to you is that it will be focused on different aspects of what we are all going through, but in a resolutely positive way. I’ll literally be Diving for Light in this dark time. Will it be easy? Not every day. But I will do my best to give us all a diversion from the fear and negativity that seem to be everywhere.
Come join me.
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